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Jessica Tefenkgi Ruelle
Holistic Business Coach for Teachers

Julie, I just wanted to reach out to say that your meditations are sooooo helpful and lovely. It feels amazing being guided by your soothing and comforting voice.

Tammy Jones
Founder of Sparkling Maid

I’ve been looking for meditations to clear my mind and get these negative thoughts out of my head. I’ve found some in the past but for the most part, the people record them did not have soothing voices. Julie’s meditation helped me find the motivation I need to better my mind and body.

Emily Milling
Founder of The Ultimate Creative, Sketch comedian, Filmmaker and Entrepreneur

This was very powerful, thank you so much!

30 Business-Focused Meditations - only $97!
Get Instant Access to 30 Business-Focused Meditations on:

 Leadership & Decision-Making 


 Perfectionism & Self-Doubt 

 Anchored & Grounded 

 Productivity & Motivation 

 Stress & Anxiety Release 


 Financial Abundance

  • Total payment
  • 1x30 Business-Focused Meditations$97

All prices in USD
